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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Review: Οblivion (2013) (English-Greek)

 «Earth is a memory worth fighting for»

«Τhis review is spoiler free»

Badassmoviesblog says: «Οblivion is not action packed, but it’s an entertaining Sci-Fi mystery»

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Βlast From The Past: Dead Heat 1988 (English Only)

"You Can't Keep A Good Cop Dead
These cops are on the biggest murder case of their lives... their own"
Badass-movies says: “Action- buddy cop comedy served with zombie creeping flesh? SOLD!”

While I was messing around on the internet, I stumbled upon a movie called R.I.P.D (Rest In Pieces Police Department) an upcoming adaptation from a graphic novel. It’s about a slain cop returning to life, to take revenge from the bad guys who murdered him. ( Release date: 19th of July).

Before I even finish reading the plot about it, Dead Heat from 1988, came to my mind instantly. And this can only mean one thing...Badass-maniacs start your engines, pump some plutonium for the flux capacitor and get ready for time travel, because you are about to experience a Blast From The Past.